A tremendous turn out to support Irish legend Pat Lawless at Ionad an Blascaoid Mhóir (The Blasket Centre) on the 2nd August 2024. The level of artistic talent on display was breathtaking. An electric atmosphere was the order of the day as supporters/buyers of the stunning artwork circulated around the Centre. Helped along with libation supplied by Tom Crean Brewery Kenmare. Pat is competing in the unbelievably difficult Golden Globe Race in 2026, check out https://goldengloberace.com/skippers/pat-lawless/
Aileen was asked to launch the evening, apparently she has a inspirational sailing grandfather…who knew!
All the luck in the world to you Pat, we’ll be following your adventures, probably from behind the settee it all looks so terrifying. Follow and support Pat Lawless at https://www.facebook.com/PatGGR/